juri zanger

is a director, author, producer, actor and performer. He is the chairman and artistic director of the "Connecting Perceptions" association for theatre and performance. Since August 2022, he is studying directing (BA) at the Toneelacademie in Maastricht (NL).


presentations of upcoming projects

infos coming soon

last presented projects

"mars en de beer", june 2024


In the future, there is no more patriarchy. All men have broken free from the legacy and internalization of masculinity. Space has opened up everywhere for diverse masculinities, for joy, fun, hope and connection. What might that future look like? What does your dream image of the masculinities of the future look like? And how do we build a way there, from the here and now?

director                                                    Juri Zanger

stage and costume design              Thijs Haesen, Luna Musch

technology and light design          Bergwijn, Helmich, Karsten, Terlouw
production                                             Roos Harinarain

dramaturgy advice and fotos        Petra van Dijk

directional advice                               Mara van Vlijmen

writing advice                                       Jibbe Willems
design advice                                        Ibbe de Bruin
performers and music                      Zon Donze, Daan Hogervorst, Duco Ouwendijk, Bryce van                                                                      Eijk, Roos van Norden



june 19th 2024, 11:00am and 08:30pm, at MBO Theaterschool Rotterdam

june 20th 2024, 02:00pm and 06:40pm, at MBO Theaterschool Rotterdam

june 26th 2024, 01:10pm, at Toneelacademie Maastricht

more infos here


"buch der taten", april 2024

This project is about the powerlessness and power of our time. If we could look back from the future to the present, what are the actions we could have taken in the here and now to prevent our world from becoming a dystopia?


author, director                                    Juri Zanger
visual arts/stage/costume               Anna Lauryssen, Valerie Ludwig
dramaturgy                                            Jona Castelein
cast                                                             Kyra Kay van de Watering, Armin Dorrani

                                                                     Josephine Arendsen, Simon Kleinhesselink,

                                                                     Clara van Bragt



april 16th 2024, 01:30pm and 06:00pm, at Toneelacademie Maastricht

more infos here